The King Maker: Teaching You to Break Barriers and Build Your Empire

About the Book

Find out who you are by defining who you are; this allows you to make decisions and choices based on who you are and the life you want to live. Time to get at it - Who am I? - What do I stand for, what are my beliefs, what are my value’s. Am I to be led or do I choose to lead? I believe that most people do not have a clue, and the reason why is that most people choose or were never taught to look for answers within themselves. The question is “How do you found out who you are if you do not look within?” The answer is simple – you don’t.

After defining yourself, we can move on to purpose.  It is imperative that we have goals and dreams. By working towards those dream and goals, it determines our purpose. Whatever drives you or motivates you to get up each morning is your purpose.

Goals and Target – The greatest marksmen in the world can not hit a target he does not have. In order to reach your dreams and goal, you need to establish a target. Once you have a target, you can implement plans and steps to reach your goals.

Change – Without change, there is no growth. In this universe, everything is evolving while nothing stays the same.  Embrace change and allow yourself to grow.

Fears - Understanding and believing in yourself. One's fear of loss is greater that their desire to gain. You can turn your fears into a call to action. Walking by faith and not by sight is a sign of a true warrior. Allowing yourself to be uncomfortable while you change and move forward. It should be natural to be in this position because it reaffirms your change and growth.

One is the biggest factor to overcome is the past. Understanding you cannot change the past and that is one battle you can never win. As you move forward in your journey the road will be less travel.  Most people will not share your vision nor your dream. Focus on within and give it all that you posse.